donderdag 12 september 2013

First day in Rurre

Today is our first working day in Rurrenabaque. The Bolivian organisation who is working with the primary schools for Amazon Fund is in Rurre this week and today we joined them for classes. Three classes worked in their school garden and learned how to make compost and how to protect their vegetables from insects and fungi with simple measures including spraying plants with a mixture of soap and water and another mixture of water, onions and garlic. The younger children brought a plastic bottle, which was cut in half, filled with earth and a few seeds. Part of the school square has holes now because the earth was used to fill the bottles but each child can grow his own pepper or onion plant at home now. We had some nice chats, helped them out a bit and made some nice pictures which we can hopefully upload on this page as well, but the internet connection is very very slow.
Tomorrow we will have a chat with Constantino, the contactperson for San Miguel del Bala. The Tacana indians who will guide the school children in the rainforest live there and it is also the location of one of the 4 participating secondary schools in our program. Although we arrived a bit later than planned, we can immediately start working, which is of course a good start of our project.
The view from our hotel

Little girl happy with her kind of twisted radish

Kids working the vegetable garden

2 opmerkingen:

Flemming zei

Nice with an update. Keep it up.

Charlotte zei

Amazing pictures! What a beautiful view you guys have from your hotel.

To work as 'schooltuintjesmeester' and '-juf'. Except that you're in Bolivia. Awesome.
Keep it up with the updates; tell us all about the people you meet and the things you'll see!

Have fun and enjoy your time there. :)


PS: that rainy season has already started here in the Netherlands!